Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Manmeri bilong PNG

While I was in PNG I had the privilege of spending time with a whole bunch of people - some of whom I met in January and others that became new friends. The smiles say it all! Here's a small glimpse of some of the manmeri (people) I met.

The boys at Lae City Mission - I took some group photos and individual photos so there would be a record of who actually lives there :) It's hard to keep track of almost 200 people!

These guys are so much fun! 

Always in for another photo. Too bad they move too much to photograph!

The grade 1 students at Living Water Christian School.

Prep B - LWCS.

The delightful Steenhof family. These guys made my time in PNG so fabulously special! I don't know what I would have done without them xxx
Sorry, Chris, for cutting your head off. Elisabeth was almost smiling so I had to snap the picture quickly!

Cousins - Louisa, Christina and Aloo.

On my way into Bumbu - one of the settlements where many of our congregation members live. 

Alo (on the left in the pink) and many of her family - who live in Bumbu. Alo lives at 11 mile with Reformed Ministries. 

Annie, at her trade store in Bumbu. Annie is Jerry's wife. 

Some houses in Bumbu. 

Bumbu wara  (Bumbu water), where the people wash, bathe and much more.

Looking out to the sea. 

Kids having a blast!

Alo and I. 

Elisabeth receiving some bilas in Bumbu. She was a little unsure. 

Happy with her Mama.

My little mate. We had a lot of fun together!

Kids at Sunday School.

Louisa - Freddie and Alo's eldest daughter. She loved my camera. The next bunch of shots were taken by Louisa. She was thrilled to have a go with the camera!!

Louisa taking her first selfie!

Chris, during his nightly dishes duty. 

Francine, Alo and Nicole.

Rita Versteeg and Freddie.

And now it's my turn again - the whole family :)

Reverend Henry Versteeg  and his wife - who came to visit for a weekend from Port Moresby. 

Golf ball games. I lost count of how many times I threw this ball for the girls to catch. Fun times!

Pikinini lo skul lo Kamkumung na 2 mile

This collection of photos are ones I took at the school - both at Living Water Christian School (which is an add on to the church in Kamkumung) and the school at Meri Seif Ples, 2 Mile, which is part of Lae City Mission. I had the privilege of visiting both school and being involved with both the children and the teachers in each place. Oh how special it is to see children being taught in the Lord! I had a blast and these photos will tell the story I am sure.

Kids at LWCS listening to Bible Story. John Morris (the one is the maroon and yellow shirt) had more spunk and attitude than any child I have ever met. And that's saying something!

LWCS - attentive to the story.

Oh, how I love their hair. In tok pisin it is called gras :)

I love seeing little kiddies working. 

Such gorgeous smiles :) This is John Phillip. 


John Morris - looking so innocent! Just you wait :)

Yohanis - the coolest little guy. Such a top kid!

Love it! Most kids don't wear shoes, but this guy is wearing his Sunday best, every day of the week :)

Mama Jen and some of her students - who work in one part of the church. 

Monica and her students - doing English - working in another part of the church. 

Typical kids - only a few are actually paying attention......!

Hard at work on phonics.

Such great kids!

Some posters to brighten the walls. 

Phonics lesson.

Mama Grace - teaching her students in the library. 

Who needs a desk, hey?!

Timson, the youngest child in the school. In the classrooms it is shoes off for everyone. 

Laying down to work is so normal. They concentrate well too!

Full focus. 

This little fella was an ace at maths. 

I was marking the completed work - these two nailed it and were SUPER thrilled!

Sharing pencils altogether.

Here are students at the Meri Seif Ples School at 2 mile. Bit taken aback by the camera. 

A song, preparing for the end of year celebration.

The little fella in the green and yellow just desperately wanted a photo. It is rare for someone in PNG to smile with their teeth. 

Cute, hey :)

This next lot of photos were taken when the children warmed up to me and realised that their image was actually captured on my camera. They sure played up for camera then!!!

Back at LWCS. This is Kiaro, helping with the gardening during his recess break. A pity it's blurry. 

And now the LWCS kids are playing up for the camera :) Fun times for all!

Did I mention I love their hair?!!!

Hard at work in maths. 

and English

Some more maths. Such happy little kiddies :)

More recess gardening. So cute!

As you can see, I had a great time. It's an experience I'm very thankful for.