Friday, 15 April 2016

The First Farewell

Over the past 6 weeks I have been living with Chris and Nicole, but their time in Lae quickly drew to a close. Last Saturday was the first of the big farewell events. Since our houses have been built on a small part of the Lae City Mission Plantation, and although our missions are quite different in nature, we are bound by the same purpose. The staff of LCM are very well known to Chris and Nicole, and to us all. They're our friends and our family in Christ. 

Last Saturday afternoon we held an open house at Ian and Nadia's where all of the LCM staff and their families were invited to join us in afternoon tea and a time of fellowship before Chris and Nicole leave. Goodbyes are hard to say, but they're not the end of a friendship. We had a really great afternoon - hanging out, chatting and sharing stories together. It's amazing how far and wide the people that were there are gathered from. God calls His church from all places. I'm constantly reminded of that here!

Entrance way - flowers arranged by Francis, who is extraordinary at creating these floral works of art.

A close up example of Francis's work

The PNG flag cake, made by Shannel, Juliana and Karlyn. How intricate is that! They coloured coconut and then cut out a template to create this design. No mean feat, that's for sure! 

My chocolate bundt cake with cream cheese icing and chocolate on top. 

Words of farewell, decorated by Nadia. Lukim yupela bihain means see you all later!

 The big arrangement. The flowers are incredible, aren't they! Francis grows the flowers himself before arranging them.

Chris, Nicole, Elisabeth and Adele. The guests of honour 

Gathered around chatting 

Cutting the cake 

Chris leaving Jono with a few words of wisdom? Or maybe a joke :)

Elisabeth playing with her Uncle Freddie 

Pastor Ian, Walis, Pastor Dean from LCM, Jorgan and Julian 

Francis - the flower extraordinaire - and Freddie   

Julian, Patrick, Hendry and ..... someone I don't know....

Bob and Ann reading to Elisabeth. Bob and Ann are the new general managers of Lae City Mission

Patrick gave Chris a really cool bilum. The decorations are amazing. 
These two played soccer together a lot and are great buddies. 

One last flower arrangement. They're just so beautiful! The sheer range of flowers here is just another testimony of how creative our God is. 

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