Saturday, 4 June 2016

Signs of PNG

Whenever I am in another country I love looking at billboards and signs. I find it so fascinating. The boards tell you a lot about what the country is like and what is important to the people. I've been collecting photos of various signs as I've been driving around Lae, but it is hard to take good pictures in a moving car - and most of these photos are along the roadside. I plan to do a second installment of Signs of PNG in the future. Stay tuned! Here's some great ones I've found so far.

Klina - strongpela sop gutpela smel - this is laundry detergent and as you might be able to guess the translation is: Cleaner - stong soap, good smell!

Christmas advertising left over from the Christmas period

Happify Your World! I love this saying - if we all happified our world, I imagine society would be a lot different!

Rugby advertising - sponsored by Digicel, the phone and internet provider here. PNG Telstra :)

This one is a bit blurry as I took it out of the car window, but this one is advertising for PNG biscuits which are VERY popular here

Information board about the road upgrades that are happening. They're going amazingly well and there's been so much improvement to the condition of the roads. There's also significantly less pot holes which makes for a much smoother journey to town!

I love this one! Translation: Nice Food Restaurant

I took this one as I find it so interesting to see how the translation is done. Can you read the Pidgin?

Maggi stock cubes - a staple for the locals to flavour their cooking

Information board which explains what you need to do if a natural disaster happens in the area

There's a lot more fabulous signs that I've seen around Lae, but I can only take photos when I'm a passenger. You wouldn't want me to be the cause of one of those crashes now, would you?! 

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