Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Yumi go raun raun lik lik lo taun

I drive in and out of Lae city quite regularly at the moment because I'm doing a lot more with our school in town. The drive used to be around about 40 minutes due to the state of the roads - gravel, potholes galore, ditches and traffic going all over the place - attempting to avoid the potholes! Lae is affectionately known as pothole city but since the road crews have been working on the highway the trip into town has been cut down to 20 minutes - on a good traffic day! It's rather marvellous!

There's a few sections of road that are really beautiful, especially when you look up above street level. Here's a few examples of some of my favourite parts of driving in Lae.

I love the trees here - a little tunnel of greenery. So pretty.

Coconut palms against a sunset sky. Doesn't get much more beautiful out you really think about it! It was hard to capture the colours on this shot but you get the idea!

By the way -  yumi go raun raun lik lik lo taun means let's go around town a bit

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