Sunday, 2 November 2014

Back To The Build

Teaching in the classrooms is great fun, but there's nothing like getting your hands dirty and doing something outside. Particularly since I 'do 'teaching' every day at work, I was very keen to spend a few days out on the building site. The teachers at school realised that the students were very distracted by all of the activity going on right outside their classroom widows - which are just slats, not fully closed windows like we are used to - and that the noise was really affecting their work. So.... what to do? Cancel school for the day and let the kids gets involved with the building project! Cool hey! That would NEVER happen in Australia - for many reasons - with WH&S and curriculum pressures - being just a few! As you can imagine, the kids were more than excited! It was so great to see them taking ownership of 'their futsal court' and busily working to make it become a reality. Also, to see two nations working together for a unified purpose just reminds you again how close we all are in Christ. So many blessings, that's for sure. There were plenty of laughs and it was great fun chatting to each other in our jumbled Indo-English. Plenty of fun for all involved. It was hot work, but that didn't deter this determined bunch!

Enjoy the photos! .... Oh dear..... they uploaded in backwards and jumbled order, I'm sorry..... maybe scroll down and work your way up? Takes too long to fix!

The boys whipped out the cards at any opportunity - even if the break was only 5 minutes. These games sure got pretty intense!

The girls with Pa Min - Ps Ed's brother - and his daughter. You've never met a more lovely, genuine and caring man. 

Sam and Efa - great buddies and build organisers. Efa worked many hours - always longer than everyone else - to see that the project was done well and completed on time!

Sam loved Jade and went to hang out with him at any opportunity!

Jade - Hey Sam, you hungry? I can feed you, if you like. 
Sam - No way! I do not want any food!

Our home stay - pretty great view from there!

Our trusty transport.

Everyone working together to level the field

The girls took any opportunity to cool down under the trees :) 

These guys worked in the heat for hours!!

 Levelling the field with a roller - at one point we used the Jeep, packed full with about 15 people to weigh it down. This worked well, until the roller arrived :)

Busy beavers.

A progress shot.

Watering down, so it could be compacted later on.

Everyone wanted a turn on the hose!

Whoop, whoop! We're getting it done!

We barrowed and shovelled so many rocks!

Buckets were also useful for this.

One of the teachers - helping in her heel, no less!

Efa making sure it's all level.

Proof that I actually did do some work!

A cool down from the hose is always welcome.

Still shovelling!

Jitro (up the back in the stripey shirt) was one of the orignal 3 New Hope boys. Now he´s Mr Fix-It. You have a problem, just called Jitro and he will do a Macguyver and fix it for you - and half of the time, he has fixed it before you even realised it was broken. There is a HUGE place in my heart for this guy!

Olym..... not really sure that those Aussies are doing a good job :)

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